大学院の修了と新しい生活-Graduation and new life-
↓English translate is the bottom side↓
I completed the master's course at Tokyo University of the Arts.
It was the 8 years of student life including studying as Exchange program student at Anadolu university, Eskisehir in Turkey.
I am really grateful to my parents and family for supporting me and encouraging my activities.
Also, I deeply appreciate to everyone in the ceramic art laboratory, professors and teachers.
In this year, I could meet new members, teachers and friends.
My university life cannot tell without Volley ball club. Previously, as I was a captain ,so there were very fulfilling time with members that grades and majors were mixed. It was really nice to meet them.
Regarding my work, I will start new job at same university as a research assistant of Art Education faculty (Aesthetics and art history). I want be a person such as giving positive influence and breathing new air.
I am ambiguous about my future. I mean, I still don't know what happened after that.
I really want to stay in Turkey again and also I want to make art work in other countries.
I'd like to connect “Care” and “Art”, because creative making is good effect for all people.
In addition, I want to create social space where people gather as trigger by creating art.
Actually, I haven't decided what I want to do.
No matter how I am busy, broke, I don't want to lose important things.
If I forget, I will remember that immediately.
Life still goes on.